
In the area of turnkey construction, our company has implemented the following constructions

Company Headquarters Chemstar, Novosvetská ulica, Bratislava

Fitness Centre at the Hotel Danube, Bratislava

Manufacturing area for EVONA, Stará Vajnorská cesta, Bratislava

Apartment building, eight apartment units, Matejkova ulica, Bratislava - Dlhé Diely

Renovation and remodelling of renaissance mansion into apartment units, Svätý Jur

Renovation of administrative areas of SLOV-AIR, M. R. Štefánika Airport, Bratislava

Renovation of the computing centre at the Slovak National Railway Company, Kováčska ulica, Bratislava

Several houses in Bratislava, Jarovce, Hrubá Borša

Administrative building in Bratislava - Trnávka

Renovation of the canteen wing and construction of a fitness centre including a swimming pool and sauna for the Slovak Trade Inspectorate in Bratislava

Remodelling of the N. Matejkovo Guest House in Donovaly

Franciscan monastery in Bratislava – remodelling of kitchen, canteen and store rooms,

Renovation of facades and balconies at the infectious pavilion at Kramáre Hospital in Bratislava

Renovation of EXCIMER laser eye surgery clinic in Bratislava - Karlová Ves

Remodelling and renovation of Harmónia pharmacy in Bratislava

Hotel Danube in Bratislava – business centre

Renovation of apartment building, Vrútky

Renovation of vegetable store in Podunajské Biskupice

Renovation of kitchen at the Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic Mierová ulica, Bratislava

Architectural studio for ATLAS in Bratislava - Trnávka

Implementation of prefabricated reinforced concrete construction

Hall at Križovany nad Váhom substation for the EURO-BUILDING Bratislava company

Substation for the PALMA-TUMYS for the company HORMEX Bratislava

AB in Nitra – two-storey reinforced concrete skeleton

Assembly of skeleton and AB pile foundations for HEGEDUS company in Nové Zámky

Assembly of a department store Vrablec, Malacky

Assembly of the structure of BILLA supermarket, Kysucké Nové Mesto

Pile foundations and assembly of skeleton for apartment building on Veternicová ulica for the company EURO-BUILDING a.s. Bratislava

Two extra storeys on the SIEMENS building at Kramáre in Bratislava for SIBAMAC Bratislava

Two extra storeys on the TELEKOM administrative building in Bratislava

In the area of engineering activities

Metrological institute in Bratislava

And more

Remodelling of the Praha Cinema into retail space in Bratislava

BIG BILLA Bratislava, Drienová ul.